Sunday, 3 March 2013

My Equinox list.

So I have submitted my list for Equinox.  I always have heaps of ideas for lists floating around in the great void that is the inside of my head, but I always tend to make a list, think its great, think of something else I would like to squeeze in, then go back to the drawing board.  I always need a list to "feel" right.

I have recently become a fledgling member of the Twitter community.  @xDrMarmaladex
It was on here that I heard of Chris Yu's (Garagehammer Podcast) win at a recent tourney with his Orcs.  Funnily enough, it was with a list that was remarkably similar to the one I had just subbed the day before...Omen double pun intended.

Now I don't really get much gaming in between tournaments these days, mainly because of work and family commitments, so a lot of it is theory hammer.  I have been meaning to get a long to the Kapiti Club on Thursdays, but things always seem to get in the way.

Anyway, onto my list.

Black Orc Warboss - Sword of Striking - Crown of Command - Preservation - Enchanted Shield
Savage Orc Great Shaman - Lvl 4 - Shrunken Head - Ruby Ring

Gobbo BSB - Spider Banner
Gobbo Big Boss - wolf - spear - shield - Dragonhelm
Gobbo Big Boss - gw
NG Big Boss - gw
NG Big Boss - gw

35 Savage Orc Bigunz - FC - Bows
35 Night Goblins - Fc - Shields - Nets

8 Trolls
Wolf Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Spear Chukka
Spear Chukka

Rock Lobba
Doom Diver
Doom Diver
Pumpwagon - Giant exploding spores - Outrigga



  1. I think the Savage Orcs are two cheesy. Try some more gobbos. I have recently seen a minwargaming video that used a heavy gobbo list! It looked SUPER interesting!


  2. Haha, I am assuming you are talking about the video I commented on? How are they "two" cheesy?

    1. too* two* to*, whatever.

      3 Attacks, Str 4, 5+ ward, stubborn is just insane. However it's a tournament, I would bring them to if I had the option. But I would still recommend the 100 gobbo bus.... cher

    2. Actually 2 attacks strength 5. Have tried it, too short ranged with the short bows, also can't fight fuckin anything. 24" range is sooo much better.

  3. I am digging the bows on the Savages atm, better to shoot off redirectors.

  4. No fencers blades on the SOGS? Nice list though. Always wondered about the Savage Orc Khalida list!

  5. Can't have everything unfortunately.

  6. im really interested to see how that sorc build works. you gonna do some batreps?

    1. Yeah man. This tourney will be easier as I won't be filming all the round reviews and trying to fumble my way through captaining the team. :)

    2. Hamish, Nick, Fern and myself are down at the club on Thursday, If you want a game this Thursday, I'm bringing my Daemon Horde.

    3. What time should I pop down if I get a pass?

  7. Sam I'm bring my Skaven list down to the Kapiti club on sunday as well if you dont want to play against deamons or you want 2 games! :)

  8. What time can i get a game on Thursday? 2400 fantasy?

  9. usually after 7, I plan on being there at 6 tonight.
